20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] SMath Studio Desktop 64-bit 0.99.7822.147 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] EXCEL (2003+) I/O with recalculation and PNG export, version 2.0.7811.39540, 21-May.-2021 21:58:00 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] .Net: 4.0.30319.42000 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_IN(5) - (save:(yes|no), file, sheet, inpcell, value) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_IO(5) - (file, sheet, inpcell, value, outrange) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_OUT(3) - (file, sheet, value) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_PNG(5) - (file, sheet, outrange, pngpath, renderopt:0-3) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_EMF(4) - (file, sheet, outrange, renderopt:0-1) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_PNGv2(4) - (file, sheet, outrange, pngpath) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_PNGv0(4) - (file, sheet, outrange, pngpath) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_QUIT(3) - (close:(yes|no), quit:(yes|no), file 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] excel_VISIBLE(1) - (visible:(yes|no)) 20.09.2021 14:42:07 [INFO ] [Plugin.Initialize()] Successfully. 9 function(s) loaded. 20.09.2021 14:42:21 [ERROR] [Utils.OpenWorkbook()] No se puede convertir el objeto COM del tipo 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass' al tipo de interfaz 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application'. Ocurrió un error de operación debido a que la llamada QueryInterface en el componente COM para la interfaz con IID '{000208D5-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' generó el siguiente error: Biblioteca no registrada. (Excepción de HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)).