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Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#1 Posted : 11 October 2016 17:42:14(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

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SMath Studio - SMath
Created by SMath LLC in the scope of SMath project. Published by smath.

SMath Studio

  • SMath Studio box
  • Calculation of Gravitation Acceleration example
  • Example of animation on the Worksheet
  • Extensions Manager tool
  • Opened math Reference Book
  • SMath Viewer output to Autocad example
  • SMath Studio on iOS
  • SMath Studio on iPad

Tiny, but powerful mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.

It provides numerous computing features and rich user interface translated into about 40 different languages. Application also contains integrated mathematical reference book.

Free for personal usage! Plans for Organizations are available!

Application can be easily extended based on your needs. Built-in Extensions Manager tool allows to get access to hundreds official and third-party resources of the following types: usage examples, plug-ins, SMath Viewer based applications, snippets, interface translations, interactive books, handbooks and tutorials.

They trust us *

* Customers' names and logos are used with the written permission of the copyright holders.

They talk about us (all reviews...)

  • Alternativa gratuita fantastica a MathCAD ! This is a fantastic free alternative to Mathcad, strongly recommended to anyone dealing with engineering and calculus.

    by Marco

  • Excelente alternativa para reemplazar a Mathcad, me ha ayudado mucho en mi carrera de Ingeniaría Civil, me suscribí al plan anual, gracias.

    by Cristian Yamid Pérez Peña

  • Great program for conducting engineering calculations. The ability to insert text blocks and pictures makes it perfect for both computation and communication of the results to colleagues.

    by Filip Finodeyev

  • smath studio. It´s a good tool.

    by jose luis rebollo

  • Amazing math tool. I use it almost daily. I'm a civil engineer and Smath Studio quickly became one of my favorite tools to "hand check" a lot of my calculations.

    by Fernando Siedschlag

  • Niezwykle przejrzyste narzędzie. Świetne do sprawdzenia czegoś na szybko, naturalne jak pisanie w zeszycie. Silna alternatywa dla MathCADa, zdecydowanie godny polecenia!

    by mati

  • Thank you Andrey Ivashov for developing this wonderful software, as well as all the people who contribute with solutions day after day. As a university professor, I must say that the use of SMath Studio has contributed greatly to improve the way of transmitting and sharing knowledge.

    by Eduardo Palma Zambrano

  • Great software. Excellent tool for engineering students to make study of complicated problems a breeze. Time need to familiarize is very less as there are good guides prepared for easy use.

    by Razook

  • Without a doubt it is one of the best tools for engineering, a good substitute for Mathcad

    by Marcel F. Chevalier S.

SMath Studio in publications

SMath Studio plug-ins (all plug-ins...)

The functionality of the program can be expanded through the installation of plug-ins created by third-party developers and companies, as well as those prepared by the SMath LLC team. Most plug-ins are open source and can be modified if necessary.

  • Extends SMath Studio with a 3D Plot Region.
    Extends SMath Studio with a 3D Plot Region.
    Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • Extends SMath Studio with more save/import/export features.
    Extends SMath Studio with more save/import/export features.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Access to a set of programs for calculating properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures. Requires separate installation of the Water Steam Pro libraries and appropriate license for it (see http://www.wsp.ru/).
    Access to a set of programs for calculating properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures. Requires separate installation of the Water Steam Pro libraries and appropriate license for it (see http://www.wsp.ru/).
    ООО "ЭсМат"
  • Provides access to the free and open source computer algebra system Maxima.
    Provides access to the free and open source computer algebra system Maxima.
    Kay Graubmann & Martin Kraska (THB www.th-brandenburg.de)
  • Extends SMath Studio with a X-Y Plot Region.
    Extends SMath Studio with a X-Y Plot Region.
    Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • A SMath Studio native wrapper of the CoolProp library (www.coolprop.org) - thermophysical property database and wrappers for a selection of programming environments.
    A SMath Studio native wrapper of the CoolProp library (www.coolprop.org) - thermophysical property database and wrappers for a selection of programming environments.
    Mike Kaganski
  • Contains nonlinear solvers for equations and systems of equations: Bisected Direct Quadratic Regula Falsi (BDQRF), Bisection, Brent's, Broyden's, Homotopy, Newton-Raphson, Ridder's, Secant, etc.
    Contains nonlinear solvers for equations and systems of equations: Bisected Direct Quadratic Regula Falsi (BDQRF), Bisection, Brent's, Broyden's, Homotopy, Newton-Raphson, Ridder's, Secant, etc.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Digital Signal Processing Library: spectral analysis, IIR and FIR filters, resampling algorithms, etc.
    Digital Signal Processing Library: spectral analysis, IIR and FIR filters, resampling algorithms, etc.
    Sergey Bakhurin (http://dsplib.org), Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • Extends SMath Studio with statistical tools: Sample Estimators, Probability Density, Cumulative Density, Quantile functions, Random Numbers, etc.
    Extends SMath Studio with statistical tools: Sample Estimators, Probability Density, Cumulative Density, Quantile functions, Random Numbers, etc.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Provides an interface to the SQLite relational database engine.
    Provides an interface to the SQLite relational database engine.
    Chris Bietz, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev


SMath Studio tutorial by Bernard Liengme.
  • SMathPrimer.pdf (Date: 11.11.2011. File size: 2.06MB) - to open in Adobe Acrobat Reader

Introduction of the use of SMath Studio by Gilberto E. Urroz, Ph.D., P.E.

Other files

SMath Studio icons () of all available sizes (16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 96x96, 128x128, 256x256) in PNG format.

Edited by user 26 October 2017 15:54:50(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 15 users thanked Andrey Ivashov for this useful post.
on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 11/10/2016(UTC),  on 12/10/2016(UTC),  on 12/10/2016(UTC),  on 12/10/2016(UTC),  on 12/10/2016(UTC),  on 13/10/2016(UTC),  on 17/10/2016(UTC)
Offline mikekaganski  
#2 Posted : 12 October 2016 04:51:17(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Andrey Ivashov Go to Quoted Post
  • [SS-93]: Multiple decimal symbols allowed in variable name now;

Could you please allow both "." and "," to be used and shown as-is in second and following cases in names?

First one, of course, should continue to be converted to "." regardless of which character was used, because otherwise that invisible character (used to create "subscript") may create two different variables that look identically.

But subsequent colons and dots are visible, and thus may be used as is, to avoid different name display depending on current decimal separator, and to enable using intended character (like in Xa,b - here a and b used as list; Xmin.h - here dot is used as separator, and colon would look worse).
Best regards,
Mike Kaganski
Offline Khram  
#3 Posted : 12 October 2016 13:25:07(UTC)

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Location: Sakhalin

Sad Please help Dry -- once it is gone - by itself

Edited by user 26 October 2016 01:53:39(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Davide Carpi  
#4 Posted : 12 October 2016 13:53:56(UTC)
Davide Carpi

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Originally Posted by: mikekaganski Go to Quoted Post
Could you please allow both "." and "," to be used and shown as-is in second and following cases in names?

All three symbols (.,;) should be allowed, as principle; there are some problems though:
- front-end: triggers arguments separators, if the argument separator symbol is allowed as separator in the subscript;
- back-end: drive properly the plain text;
- back-end: localization conversion (I mean, a.b,c with standard settings should be converted to a,b;c when decimal symbol is set to comma and semicolon is used as argument separator);

2nd and 3rd point can be driven using alternative characters that looks like the others ("greek question mark" ; [U+037E] / "single low-9 quotation mark" ‚ [U+201A] / "small full stop"﹒[U+FE52])

for the first point I guess the only way is to use some shortcut key.

Originally Posted by: Khram Go to Quoted Post
Sad Please help Dry SMath_new_release.png

Can you share some info about your system? (Operative System, DPI); it appears always or only in some case (new worksheets, existing worksheets)? a clean install might help?

Edited by user 12 October 2016 18:29:55(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

If you like my plugins consider to support SMath Studio buying a plan; to offer me a coffee: paypal.me/dcprojects
Offline mkraska  
#5 Posted : 17 October 2016 11:57:48(UTC)

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There is a new bug in the interactive handbook. If you follow a link, then the contents of the new sheet is shifted to the position of the mouse click, as if was pasted at that location.
Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath%20with%20Plugins.ashx
Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#6 Posted : 17 October 2016 21:21:09(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

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Yes, I'm working on it.
Thank you!
Offline omorr  
#7 Posted : 18 October 2016 01:32:55(UTC)

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It seems that "i" still causes some headaches. I used a part of one of my standard files and get this rather strange error message


See please the attached file. I have no idea why the famous "i" variable made a mess here Sad

i_problem.sm (21kb) downloaded 70 time(s).


Edited by user 18 October 2016 01:35:10(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

When Sisyphus climbed to the top of a hill, they said: "Wrong boulder!"
Offline Jean Giraud  
#8 Posted : 18 October 2016 04:17:40(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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Originally Posted by: omorr Go to Quoted Post
See please the attached file. I have no idea why the famous "i" variable made a mess here

It does not make mess 5346.
FindRoots [Φ.o] looks under defined wrt Maxima that needs a function
whereas it is not a "root". A "root" crosses the X axis. Φ.o can be
anything in the Catesian plane. You can solve point by point but
NOT on a range. Mathcad 11 would not do either. You are in fact,
in other words, "inversing a function". The Mathcad way is the
"seeded root scanner" over a prescribed discrete range ...
as fast as a lighting strike !!!

Cheers Radovan: Jean

Radovan_2.sm (15kb) downloaded 63 time(s).

Radovan_1.sm (28kb) downloaded 61 time(s).
Forum Radovan.gif
thanks 1 user thanked Jean Giraud for this useful post.
on 18/10/2016(UTC)
Offline Jean Giraud  
#9 Posted : 18 October 2016 04:56:44(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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... neither roots(2) and roots(3) work same as in Mathcad 11 and earlier.
The attached is the Smath 5346 "iterative root scanner". It works but
can't be made "seeded". It re-solves from the starting point. Thus
takes several seconds instead of ~ 0 second if it would keep solving
from the last calculated value [seeded to last value].

I bet there is a twist, but just RemToDo.

In some way, I abandoned because of solving the "data set companion"
not possible in Smath whereas it does not have the Mathcad Given/Find


Solve INVERSE Mathematica.sm (10kb) downloaded 67 time(s).
thanks 1 user thanked Jean Giraud for this useful post.
on 18/10/2016(UTC)
Offline omorr  
#10 Posted : 18 October 2016 09:53:50(UTC)

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Thank you Jean for your analysis, but I think that here is again introduced some glitch regarding variable i and for loops. I can not figure out what actually happen here, but I could see that there is something that causes that strange error message. Somehow, in the summation instead of variable "i", you get the actual value of i (I do not know why) and it complains because variable can not start with number.

When Sisyphus climbed to the top of a hill, they said: "Wrong boulder!"
Offline Davide Carpi  
#11 Posted : 18 October 2016 13:27:20(UTC)
Davide Carpi

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Originally Posted by: omorr Go to Quoted Post
It seems that "i" still causes some headaches. I used a part of one of my standard files and get this rather strange error message

It is not about i, there is a bug in preprocessing wrt the iterator argument of sum() when unknowns are involved in other arguments on definitions; the iterator name is replaced with a value, then when sum tries to evaluate the name is lost.

2016-10-18 12_42_45-SMath Studio - [iterator arg.sm].png
iterator arg.sm (8kb) downloaded 78 time(s).

Edited by user 18 October 2016 13:49:58(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

If you like my plugins consider to support SMath Studio buying a plan; to offer me a coffee: paypal.me/dcprojects
thanks 1 user thanked Davide Carpi for this useful post.
on 18/10/2016(UTC)
Offline omorr  
#12 Posted : 18 October 2016 14:21:57(UTC)

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Thank you Davide Good

I was quite close to figure this out, but failed. Fortunately, it is not about "i".

Wish you all the best,
When Sisyphus climbed to the top of a hill, they said: "Wrong boulder!"
thanks 1 user thanked omorr for this useful post.
on 18/10/2016(UTC)
Offline CBG  
#13 Posted : 18 October 2016 23:30:38(UTC)

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Must be not define the variable k, which must be defined is the variable x, because apparently, the sum function does not accept symbolic evaluation

Best Regards



iterator arg_CBG.sm (9kb) downloaded 58 time(s).

thanks 1 user thanked CBG for this useful post.
on 19/10/2016(UTC)
Offline Jean Giraud  
#14 Posted : 18 October 2016 23:52:52(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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Originally Posted by: omorr Go to Quoted Post
Thank you Davide

I was quite close to figure this out, but failed.
Fortunately, it is not about "i".

Wish you all the best,

Smath 5346 does not suffer the bug that Davide has isolated.

Attached is your project as far as I understand.
Takes 5 min to compute all 35 "Sol" . Works well.
RemToDo: the seeded "solve", I have an idea ?

Cheers, Jean

Forum Radovan_1.sm (41kb) downloaded 69 time(s).

thanks 1 user thanked Jean Giraud for this useful post.
on 19/10/2016(UTC)
Offline uni  
#15 Posted : 19 October 2016 22:36:29(UTC)

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Андрей, я тут "набросал" черновую версию сборки пакета SMath Studio для Ubuntu 16.04. Будет время - займись. Я там напутал с правами немного, на самом деле можно всё без root'а собрать. Потом может быть сделаю видео по-проще. Некоторые утилиты нужно будет скачать из сети (если команда не будет найдена). Это касается создания md5sums файла.

Edited by user 19 October 2016 23:01:39(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Russia ☭ forever (git.io/vOZo0)
Viacheslav N. Mezentsev
thanks 1 user thanked uni for this useful post.
on 20/10/2016(UTC)
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