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Offline mkraska  
#21 Posted : 28 January 2016 20:35:26(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Alex.M Go to Quoted Post

Hi Martin,

I was tinkering with the region to add the svg support (blank document that opens on double click).

Do you think a dialog box that lets you choose png or svg on region initialization is appropriate? Or do you prefer a different method for choosing between two?

SMath community, feel free to engage in discussion!

Hi Alex,

great to hear that you are approaching the image region plugin. Yes, a dialog box would be fine, also a context menu option would do. Just some more thoughts on what might be worth doing:
  • enable true region clones (Ctrl drag now creates a new region with reference to the same temporary file. Any edits in the source image will affect the clone and vice versa. When saving and re-opening the file, then the images are independent, but you don't want to close and re-open just for cloning an image)
  • have some sort of preference setting for the image format, for the editor and for display of border and input placeholder. Currently, I need to switch the standard program for png in windows to paint, which isn't really appropriate outside SMath.
  • You might provide submenu entries in the Insert menu:
    Insert> Image> New png
    Insert> Image> New svg
    Insert> Image> Region with placeholder
    The first two would then come without border and with input display switched off.
  • In order not to clutter the Insert menu, backwards compatibility would be fine. Otherwise we would need to have the old and the new image region in parallel.

Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath_with_Plugins.ashx
Offline Alex M.  
#22 Posted : 28 January 2016 22:10:31(UTC)
Alex M.

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Originally Posted by: mkraska Go to Quoted Post

Hi Alex,

great to hear that you are approaching the image region plugin. Yes, a dialog box would be fine, also a context menu option would do. Just some more thoughts on what might be worth doing:
  • enable true region clones (Ctrl drag now creates a new region with reference to the same temporary file. Any edits in the source image will affect the clone and vice versa. When saving and re-opening the file, then the images are independent, but you don't want to close and re-open just for cloning an image)
  • have some sort of preference setting for the image format, for the editor and for display of border and input placeholder. Currently, I need to switch the standard program for png in windows to paint, which isn't really appropriate outside SMath.
  • You might provide submenu entries in the Insert menu:
    Insert> Image> New png
    Insert> Image> New svg
    Insert> Image> Region with placeholder
    The first two would then come without border and with input display switched off.
  • In order not to clutter the Insert menu, backwards compatibility would be fine. Otherwise we would need to have the old and the new image region in parallel.


Martin, here is my take on your suggested roadmap. To set the expectations right away, I will be choosing the path of least resistance when tackling issues. This is mostly because programming is quite painful for me - never done it before excel_IO plugin, which was written in VB.NET and not C#; also all the coding I do is on my free time at home which is not a plenty unfortunately..

Anyway, here it is:

1. make it possible to select between blank png or svg file (preferably via context menu by right clicking on the inserted image, if I cant figure out context menu - by a dialog box). I do plan to support more than two image formats so submenu selection might become crowded. And besides I like the idea of inserting a single region and than selecting what I would like it to be (svg, png, or other).

2. Proper resizing of .svg image - currently .svg does not scale if height/width is set

3. Enable true region clones - should not be hard if there is a way for region to know it is being copied (not sure how to check that)

4. have some sort of preference setting for the image format, for the editor..... This is a little bit beyound my coding capabilities; if someone is willing to guide me here I would try. My work around for choosing default PNG editor is to set it to "Windows Photo Viewer", and the click "Open" menu at the top right - all possible program choices are there - you can pick one you like.

5. Additional raster file format with layers, is .ora a good choice?

6. You might provide submenu entries in the Insert menu: & In order not to clutter the Insert menu, backwards compatibility would be fine - I personally think we should have just one Image region. We can already hide the input data and disable the borders by right clicking on the Image region. Will this work?


Alex M.

Edited by user 29 January 2016 09:27:11(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Jean Giraud  
#23 Posted : 29 January 2016 04:27:52(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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My dear friend:
Quite natural two Canadians don't speak "same Canadian Languages" ,
Scotish, Irish, English, French, Quebecois, Amerindian +++ other but not Canadians.
*.PNG, TIFF, BMP are bitmap. As they appear in the screen you can select/copy
to clipboard paste in Paint, IrfanView, Tracer, Wingrab, 2020 ...
If I draw something in http://editor.method.ac/#copy an SVG creator, I can't
copy to clipboard , only view in Microsoft Viewer because *.svg are not bitmap.
They reside within themselves as scalable data . Bitmap are zoomable but not
scalable. Smath imports *.bmp, PNG but not svg.

Attach your work sheet that imports svg.

The other way around is to go back few days ago and get Bézier/deCasteljau from
Dave Carpi made working from my desperate attempt. There would be a limit in
Smath of how much you can draw... The example is scalable and rotatable. Each
piece drawn is individually scalable and rotatable, each piece plot in Smath QuickPlot
in default color as different layer. Each layer can be located at will [must confirm
that to myself].

Each user as priority, mine is rather Smath be more maths [+ built-in functions,
increase speed of calculations, less tricky things to calculate, save work sheet settings
... etc] . Smath is defficient of "fft" 2D, 3D , plot stem ...

Offline Jean Giraud  
#24 Posted : 29 January 2016 04:48:24(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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XP Picture Manger opens: JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TIFF
+ special Microsoft Metafile: WMF, EMF
SVG = Niet kamarad.

BMP = natural bmp
PNG, GIF, TIFF = coded bmp
JPEG = specially destroyed bmp [compressed by 10 tons truck].
GIF supports color reduction. If acceptable, reduces the file size.
There are several types of GIF color reduction.

Offline Jean Giraud  
#25 Posted : 29 January 2016 05:12:35(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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As a former Consultant [now retired]. I could dream of a software drawing
my process flow diagram and include the savant maths [Laplace ...].
Thinking of MasterCam [$ 30000 in 2005]
Thinking Maple [$ 4000] and not friendly, then add Mathcad Prime for what
it worths. My gear is expensive and nobody has dared coding all those
complex gears. LabView has something interesting in that dream, but too
limited for a big operating plant. LabView is not freeware.
AutoCad 11 was given 2 millions $ CAN by QuebecHydro to develop the
layer system. Bad luck, for the project I was involved, we had to
design all our Instrumentation stuff: two jobs in one.

Offline Alex M.  
#26 Posted : 29 January 2016 05:38:33(UTC)
Alex M.

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Not sure what to say here, Jean, besides that we seem to have different goals. Which is perfectly fine.

I would never put an hour of my time into something I consider useless.

Image region is a crucial piece of the puzzle in the work I do on a daily basis. That is why I would like to commit some of my free time to make it work better with svg and some other file formats.

Cheers from Edmonton.

Alex M.
Offline Alex M.  
#27 Posted : 29 January 2016 09:30:57(UTC)
Alex M.

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So far, so good - I actually managed to complete selection between .svg & .png in one evening Acute! Which means till midnight - its 11:37pm right now Crazy. Maybe I am better at this than I though haha. Svg still does not scale if height/width is defined - need a workaround.

Plugin .dll is attached, right click on image region to select file format.


2. Proper resizing of .svg image - currently .svg does not scale if height/width is set

3. Enable true region clones - should not be hard if there is a way for region to know it is being copied (not sure how to check that)

4. have some sort of preference setting for the image format, for the editor..... This is a little bit beyound my coding capabilities; if someone is willing to guide me here I would try. My work around for choosing default PNG editor is to set it to "Windows Photo Viewer", and the click "Open" menu at the top right - all possible program choices are there - you can pick one you like.

5. Additional raster file format with layers, is .ora a good choice?

Off to sleep Biggrin

Forgot to attach ALL the .dll files, my mistake. Here is the full set
ImageRegion2016-01-29.zip (279kb) downloaded 35 time(s).

Edited by user 29 January 2016 19:03:01(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 1 user thanked Alex M. for this useful post.
on 29/01/2016(UTC)
Offline Jean Giraud  
#28 Posted : 29 January 2016 19:59:11(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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"is ora a good choice ?"
Piece of crap without knowing more about. It is an online utiliy
it wants you register, f...k it. Those things once you have registered
they create "Artemis", not a virus but a fishing hook that eventually
you may never get rid of. That's how some smart cat get your Social
Insurance ID, bank account, ++++
"Method draw" asks nothing, but don't know more.

Attach a work sheet not a zip. The only thing that is codable in zip
is text. Math stuff is not reducible, never mind the file size you may
read. Like Watt power sound: Japense were peak power, occidental RMS power.

The attached work sheet is the "alpha" understanding how SVG works.


De Casteljau SVG Smath Demo.sm (40kb) downloaded 41 time(s).
Offline mkraska  
#29 Posted : 29 January 2016 20:24:37(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Alex.M Go to Quoted Post

So far, so good - I actually managed to complete selection between .svg & .png in one evening Acute! Which means till midnight - its 11:37pm right now Crazy. Maybe I am better at this than I though haha. Svg still does not scale if height/width is defined - need a workaround.


great to see that you don't let you get pushed off track and seem to be robust against friendly fire ;-)

I need to re-activate my knowledge on how and where to manually install plugins.

Indeed, the plugin can only scale svgs if they don't contain size information. In gnuplot (which is used by the maxima plugin) we found settings to suppress the size information, such that Maxima svg plots can be resized.

It is also possible to manually edit the svg file and remove the size tags (don't remember which that were but remember that it was possible). If you anyways store the file in the smath document, then you might have the chance to clean up the file.

Don't know ora, thus I don't really miss it.

IPE can create pdf and has layers plus uses latex for embedded math stuff. Thus displaying pdf images might be an option. However, I don't know how many users would appreciate that. If I want to have a nice figure, I use IPE generated pdfs (currently just screenshots to transfer them to smath), quick and dirty images (free body diagrams and the like) are produced in png via image region. Annotations are made by overlaid math regions, this gives a nice consistant look and feel.

Something that was always annoying with the image region was the choice of image size. I did't find a way to tell paint in what size to create the image. It would, of course, be convenient to use the actual image region size. This would be a real leap forward in the image region usability. Currently, what I do is:
- open paint from image region
- do the drawing, rezize the canvas in paint, save the file
- context menu: set to original size
- context menu: border off
- context menu: input placeholder off

Perhaps, it is possible to initialize the region with a white image of region-controlled size and give that to paint for further editing. I understand, however, that your priority is svg support.

Another thought on choosing external applications: How about using a shell script (batch file) to do the appropriate call? You would just use the .bat file with an appropriate temporary file name and the script would then bifurcate to the appropriate program. Setting the preferences then just means changing the script. Perhaps this might reside in the plugin directory.


Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath_with_Plugins.ashx
Offline mkraska  
#30 Posted : 29 January 2016 20:46:16(UTC)

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I installed the files in a new subdirectory of the image region plugin (just incremented the number and modified the config file accordingly).

When I double-click a newly created image region (with empty placeholder), then a window pops up: Cannot find file: no picture to edit.

Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath_with_Plugins.ashx
Offline Alex M.  
#31 Posted : 29 January 2016 21:05:11(UTC)
Alex M.

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Originally Posted by: mkraska Go to Quoted Post

I installed the files in a new subdirectory of the image region plugin (just incremented the number and modified the config file accordingly).

When I double-click a newly created image region (with empty placeholder), then a window pops up: Cannot find file: no picture to edit.


Martin, forgot to mention the important bit - right click on empty region and click "insert blank .svg or png". This conceptually made sense to me - you insert an empty region and than you either point it to a path, or create a blank. Even the error is logical - till you "fill" the image there is nothing there.

Edited by user 29 January 2016 21:14:30(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline mkraska  
#32 Posted : 29 January 2016 21:47:29(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Alex.M Go to Quoted Post

Martin, forgot to mention the important bit - right click on empty region and click "insert blank .svg or png". This conceptually made sense to me - you insert an empty region and than you either point it to a path, or create a blank. Even the error is logical - till you "fill" the image there is nothing there.

There is no such item in the context menu. The pop up of the error message assures me that I actually use your version
Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath_with_Plugins.ashx
Offline Alex M.  
#33 Posted : 29 January 2016 22:01:01(UTC)
Alex M.

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So it seems that google drive was playing tricks with me - I have attached a previously overwritten version of image.dll.

I have confirmed the archive below to work on two computers so far. My apologies for confusion Blush

ImageRegion.001.zip (271kb) downloaded 46 time(s).
thanks 1 user thanked Alex M. for this useful post.
on 29/01/2016(UTC)
Offline mkraska  
#34 Posted : 29 January 2016 23:46:23(UTC)

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Works for me as well. Great work, Alex.
Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath_with_Plugins.ashx
Offline Alex M.  
#35 Posted : 30 January 2016 18:01:50(UTC)
Alex M.

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Originally Posted by: mkraska Go to Quoted Post

Something that was always annoying with the image region was the choice of image size. I did't find a way to tell paint in what size to create the image. It would, of course, be convenient to use the actual image region size.

This was done for both .png and .svg. Resize the image region before inserting blank file and here you go! See attached.

ImageRegion.002.zip (283kb) downloaded 37 time(s).
thanks 1 user thanked Alex M. for this useful post.
on 30/01/2016(UTC)
Offline mkraska  
#36 Posted : 30 January 2016 19:08:55(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Alex.M Go to Quoted Post

This was done for both .png and .svg. Resize the image region before inserting blank file and here you go! See attached.
ImageRegion.002.zip (283kb) downloaded 37 time(s).

Very good. Works perfectly for me. Some observations/thoughts:

- Try to disable/suppress region update during resizing, otherwise the resizing of the region with highly populated svgs is not smooth. I know, currently, resizing a region with an fixed size svg is not very useful. Just in case...
- Another long standing annoying issue is that the images aren't shown upon loading the .sm file. You either need to recalculate or enter and leave the region with the mouse. Also, after editing an image, the same applies.
- Cloning a region now throws an error (empty file name). I guess this is due to work in progress towards independent clones.
- Let the context menu entries just select the default format and create the empty image of appropriate format on the fly when the user double-clicks the region. This will avoid exposing the user to the error message. You might change the welcome text of the region to inform about the choice in the context menu.
- reset to original size does not work for svg format, perhaps also only interesting once there is a useful way to handle the size information in svgs.

Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath_with_Plugins.ashx
Offline Jean Giraud  
#37 Posted : 30 January 2016 19:29:58(UTC)
Jean Giraud

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Something that was always annoying with the image region was the choice of image size. I did't find a way to tell paint in what size to create the image. It would, of course, be convenient to use the actual image region size.

This was done for both .png and .svg. Resize the image region before inserting blank file and here you go! See attached.



If you are willing to go back to square 0, it will surely result to interesting suggestions.
An image that you paste in Smath, paste from Paint, Irfanview, Wingrab ... is totally dead stuff.
The image region you can zoom from some unknow gadget, probably Microsoft. That kind of zoom is
just crap because is does not interpolate based on Fourier "fft". What it does, it random place
rows/cols and puts adjacent pixel value.
If Smath reads an image from file [READRGB], whether grayscale or RGB, this is a much different story.
You can open in image region like pasted from Paint. You can extract the RGB matrices.
At this point, you can digitize to get XY coordinates. The Mathcad digitizing tool is RemToDo for Samth.
You can digitize from not free software [> $ 600]. Once you have extracted what you want [assuming it can
be done either Pro $ or free Smath], you can linterp XY for a neat trace in Smath quick plot. Then remake
an image save in file and reopen in Smath READRGB.
If you have an image and intend to do some image processing in Smath, just forget it. Smath does not have
the picture operator, and I never found one in the web. Smath does not have "fft".

Read me there: If your "image" is a drawing, you can capture from Paint Print Screen or Wingrab.
At this point, if the image is of reasonable size, you can paste in "Tracer" and collect point by point
what is of interest. That will give XY coordinates that you could but not sure paste in vector Smath,
plot and remake an image from Smath quick plot, of the desired size, remake an image and replot in
Smath region. You will surely have to WRITE/READ the XY to file because Smath is dead for copy/paste
vector to other applications.

"Tracer" was freeware from Markus Karolwesky [Edmonton, Canada]. I have the original version and the last
version. A stand alone tools *.EXE. It was public, no limit in distributing. It is a gorgeous manual
digitizing tool, most precious in many Mathcad/Mathsoft projects. Mathsoft seeing me using that tool,
they offered a short version program, works well on clean image.

If Smath could "Print to File", you could probably open *.PDF, you will not have that many zoom options
PDF readers. Good PDF is only from Adobe, that can't be purchased, only monthly location.

Do you have massive projects ? digitize a web graph? image processing? SVG art image factory...

Attach your image with brief decription of what to do. You just have *.dll and zipped.
Sorry Alex, I just don't understand what you are attempting.


Offline Alex M.  
#38 Posted : 30 January 2016 23:24:50(UTC)
Alex M.

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Originally Posted by: mkraska Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Alex.M Go to Quoted Post

This was done for both .png and .svg. Resize the image region before inserting blank file and here you go! See attached.
ImageRegion.002.zip (283kb) downloaded 37 time(s).

Very good. Works perfectly for me. Some observations/thoughts:

- Try to disable/suppress region update during resizing, otherwise the resizing of the region with highly populated svgs is not smooth. I know, currently, resizing a region with an fixed size svg is not very useful. Just in case...
- Another long standing annoying issue is that the images aren't shown upon loading the .sm file. You either need to recalculate or enter and leave the region with the mouse. Also, after editing an image, the same applies.
- Cloning a region now throws an error (empty file name). I guess this is due to work in progress towards independent clones.
- Let the context menu entries just select the default format and create the empty image of appropriate format on the fly when the user double-clicks the region. This will avoid exposing the user to the error message. You might change the welcome text of the region to inform about the choice in the context menu.
- reset to original size does not work for svg format, perhaps also only interesting once there is a useful way to handle the size information in svgs.

Right now my priority is to make SVG scale correctly, after this:

-- Cloning a region now throws an error -- not intended, fix is not straight forward since frankly I did not seem to change anything that would influence it... Will look into it. Do you happen to know what happens programmatically when you clone the region? What gets cloned and what does not in the code? Also cloning seems to be different from copy/paste. Why?

-- Try to disable/suppress region update during resizing -- correct me if i'm wrong but it seems that during resizing the only thing that happens is change the size of SVG window, render raster image from svg, display the render. Am I missing something? It does not seem that you can cut a step from this

-- images aren't shown upon loading the .sm file. -- will see if I can fix that. Annoying - yes, nut not a huge issue.

-- Will look into re-jigging how image type selection works once done with everything else - in my opinion it is good as is, can be done better

Edited by user 30 January 2016 23:54:22(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 1 user thanked Alex M. for this useful post.
on 30/01/2016(UTC)
Offline Alex M.  
#39 Posted : 30 January 2016 23:33:44(UTC)
Alex M.

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Originally Posted by: Jean Giraud Go to Quoted Post


If you are willing to go back to square 0, it will surely result to interesting suggestions.
An image that you paste in Smath, paste from Paint, Irfanview, Wingrab ... is totally dead stuff.
The image region you can zoom from some unknow gadget, probably Microsoft. That kind of zoom is
just crap because is does not interpolate based on Fourier "fft". What it does, it random place
rows/cols and puts adjacent pixel value.
If Smath reads an image from file [READRGB], whether grayscale or RGB, this is a much different story.
You can open in image region like pasted from Paint. You can extract the RGB matrices.
At this point, you can digitize to get XY coordinates. The Mathcad digitizing tool is RemToDo for Samth.
You can digitize from not free software [> $ 600]. Once you have extracted what you want [assuming it can
be done either Pro $ or free Smath], you can linterp XY for a neat trace in Smath quick plot. Then remake
an image save in file and reopen in Smath READRGB.
If you have an image and intend to do some image processing in Smath, just forget it. Smath does not have
the picture operator, and I never found one in the web. Smath does not have "fft".

Read me there: If your "image" is a drawing, you can capture from Paint Print Screen or Wingrab.
At this point, if the image is of reasonable size, you can paste in "Tracer" and collect point by point
what is of interest. That will give XY coordinates that you could but not sure paste in vector Smath,
plot and remake an image from Smath quick plot, of the desired size, remake an image and replot in
Smath region. You will surely have to WRITE/READ the XY to file because Smath is dead for copy/paste
vector to other applications.

"Tracer" was freeware from Markus Karolwesky [Edmonton, Canada]. I have the original version and the last
version. A stand alone tools *.EXE. It was public, no limit in distributing. It is a gorgeous manual
digitizing tool, most precious in many Mathcad/Mathsoft projects. Mathsoft seeing me using that tool,
they offered a short version program, works well on clean image.

If Smath could "Print to File", you could probably open *.PDF, you will not have that many zoom options
PDF readers. Good PDF is only from Adobe, that can't be purchased, only monthly location.

Do you have massive projects ? digitize a web graph? image processing? SVG art image factory...

Attach your image with brief decription of what to do. You just have *.dll and zipped.
Sorry Alex, I just don't understand what you are attempting.


Hi Jean,

You sound like you have some great ideas (i.e. matrix representation of the image, its manipulation, display and stuff).

Thing is that it is not what I am after. As crude as it is I just need to get freehand sketches into my calcbooks, and paint.net/inkscape is the simplest way to create them. Image region just shows it in SMath; this was always its original intention. And it is 95% there in this regard (i.e. I need to spend minimum hours to get it work).

Jean, if you feel you can take on your idea I (and the rest of community) can help you to get starting on plugin creation for what you want. It was not hard for a guy like me (who never coded before), it will not be hard for you. Keep in mind that SMath does not like huge matrices - try to get 2000x2000 matrix and display it / perform operations.

If we want to discuss your idea of reading / displaying RGB matrix further lets create separate thread though - the image region does not seem to be what you are after.

Offline mkraska  
#40 Posted : 31 January 2016 00:00:32(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Alex.M Go to Quoted Post

Right now my priority is to make SVG scale correctly, after this:

-- Cloning a region now throws an error -- not intended, fix is not straight forward since frankly I did not seem to change anything that would influence it... Will look into it. Do you happen to know what happens programmatically when you clone the region? What gets cloned and what does not in the code?

No, sorry. Never touched a line of c#. Just did spec/test/doc. Anyways, breaking the cloning function is safer than unintended overwriting of the original image. This happens to me once in a while when trying to shortcut the series of right mouse clicks just to switch off border and input area.


-- Try to disable/suppress region update during resizing -- correct me if i'm wrong but it seems that during resizing the only thing that happens is change the size of SVG window, render raster image from svg, display the render. Am I missing something? It does not seem that you can cut a step from this

In the attached example, compare the resizing of the svg and the png image regions. On my computer, the SVG region has quite some lag when you drag the size markers. No big problem but the svg example is not really complex.

svg.sm (82kb) downloaded 33 time(s).


-- images aren't shown upon loading the .sm file. -- will see if I can[LIVE][/LIVE] fix that. Annoying - yes, nut not a huge issue.

-- Will look into re-jigging how image type selection works once done with everything else - in my opinion it is good as is, can be done better

Adjusting the welcome message will do for now, I guess.

Being able to control the image size upon creation, is already a big improvement, even just for png.
Martin Kraska

Pre-configured portable distribution of SMath Studio: https://smath.com/wiki/SMath_with_Plugins.ashx
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