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SMath Studio - SMath
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Tiny, but powerful mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.
It provides numerous computing features and rich user interface translated into about 40 different languages. Application also contains integrated mathematical reference book.
Free for personal usage! Plans for Organizations are available!
Application can be easily extended based on your needs. Built-in Extensions Manager tool allows to get access to hundreds official and third-party resources of the following types: usage examples, plug-ins, SMath Viewer based applications, snippets, interface translations, interactive books, handbooks and tutorials.
They trust us *
* Customers' names and logos are used with the written permission of the copyright holders.
Excelente alternativa para reemplazar a Mathcad, me ha ayudado mucho en mi carrera de Ingeniaría Civil, me suscribí al plan anual, gracias.
by Cristian Yamid Pérez Peña
A great and essential application for scientists and engineers. The updates are regular and it has plugins that make it complete and as powerful as the paid applications.
by Yibbou
Imagine combining Microsoft Word with the ability to compute every time you press equals. Best application for your engineering documentation needs!
by Michael James Quidilla
If you are thinking about getting MathCAD for your business or personal use you may want to try SMath Studio first. SMath Studio is a free math program with easy to use intuitive "paper-like" interface. If SMath Studio meets your needs then look no further and consider donating to promote further development of this great program. On the SMath Studio forum, the developer and forum community are very receptive to help questions, bug reports, and feature requests.
by j_kris
I am using it everyday for my professional work. Thank you so much!
by Tien Nguyen
Tenho usado Mathcad por muitos anos, como estudante, como pesquisador e como engenheiro químico. Mas Mathcad se tornou inviável há alguns anos. É formidável ter uma ferramenta tão boa quanto ele de forma gratuita ou a curtos muito baixos como o SMath! Obrigado LLC SMath e Andrey Ivashov!
by Alexandre Umpierre
Andrey has given us back the joy of Math that we experimented with Mathcad some thirty years ago, until PTC messed it all up. A fantastic achievement! And free! I am beginning to use it intensively to help my engineering students.
by Manuel Vargas
La aparición del proyecto Smath, cubre un vacío que existía en el ámbito del software gratuito para Ingeniería. Es un proyecto que llegó para quedarse, ya que permite logros muy buenos a quienes utilizan esta herramienta. felicitaciones a Andrey y el gran equipo de colaboradores que cada uno con su aporte desinteresado hacen crecer esta aplicación que ya podemos caratular como de uso profesional
by Ing Parcelo Ortiz Plá
Dentro del ámbito de la investigación y desarrollo electrónico es una herramienta completa para realizar los análisis preliminares y más. / Within the field of electronic research and development, it is a complete tool for preliminary analysis and more.
by Cristian Matorra
Great tool for all engineers. It's very user-friendly and has lots of functionalities that can be further extended by installing plug-ins (it takes just a few clicks, no need for tedious file manipulations). SMath can operate on units, perform symbolic calculations and many more. Also, it has very clear interface and all formulas can be entered just like you would do on a piece of paper. What's more, the software has great community of people willing to help with various issues.
by Jacob M.
SMath Studio in publications
The functionality of the program can be expanded through the installation of plug-ins created by third-party developers and companies, as well as those prepared by the SMath LLC team. Most plug-ins are open source and can be modified if necessary.
Extends SMath Studio with a 3D Plot Region.
Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
Extends SMath Studio with more save/import/export features.
Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
Access to a set of programs for calculating properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures. Requires separate installation of the Water Steam Pro libraries and appropriate license for it (see http://www.wsp.ru/).
ООО "ЭсМат"
Provides access to the free and open source computer algebra system Maxima.
Kay Graubmann & Martin Kraska (THB www.th-brandenburg.de)
Extends SMath Studio with a X-Y Plot Region.
Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
A SMath Studio native wrapper of the CoolProp library (www.coolprop.org) - thermophysical property database and wrappers for a selection of programming environments.
Mike Kaganski
Contains nonlinear solvers for equations and systems of equations: Bisected Direct Quadratic Regula Falsi (BDQRF), Bisection, Brent's, Broyden's, Homotopy, Newton-Raphson, Ridder's, Secant, etc.
Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
Digital Signal Processing Library: spectral analysis, IIR and FIR filters, resampling algorithms, etc.
Sergey Bakhurin (http://dsplib.org), Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
Extends SMath Studio with statistical tools: Sample Estimators, Probability Density, Cumulative Density, Quantile functions, Random Numbers, etc.
Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
Provides an interface to the SQLite relational database engine.
Chris Bietz, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev
This release is prepared to demonstrate and test something new, which will be used by default soon. Press Ctrl+Alt+L to activate.  This functionality is not completed yet (80% of work is done I would say), but already usable. For me, after the first minutes of work with pages view I absolutely don't want to work in legacy document view anymore. There are some observations related to zooming and printing using new visualization mode but I think these issues are minor. Please let me know you any inconsistency found. Thanks in advance! Best regards!
 9 users thanked Andrey Ivashov for this useful post.
on 30/01/2018(UTC), on 30/01/2018(UTC), on 30/01/2018(UTC), on 30/01/2018(UTC), on 31/01/2018(UTC), on 31/01/2018(UTC), on 31/01/2018(UTC), on 31/01/2018(UTC), on 31/01/2018(UTC)