Probably the following are known, but I wanted to make sure they are mentioned:
To test, start with any worksheet (such as one from
the Wiki's examples page) that has a time-consuming calculation that depends on one or more prior variable assignments.
SMath Studio version 0.88
1. Moving a math region to be after a text region, even when the sequence position of the math region
with respect to other math regions has not been changed, causes the sheet to be recalculated.
2. I inserted the following before a time-consuming calculation. On purpose, these 2 items have nothing to do with the calculation:
Q←3Q+2=5Then I changed the first line to
Q←7 and the whole sheet was recalculated, even though the time-consuming part did not depend on Q.
3. Suppose an input to a time-consuming calculation is
x←3If I change this to
x←4-1, the sheet is recalculated, but it should not be. I understand that it will not be possible to suppress recalculation if an input ("x" in this case) changes for numerical reasons (rounding), or if a symbolic input changes to an expression that is equivalent but that is beyond SMath Studio's ability to prove automatically that it is equivalent.
4. If 2 inputs are
x←1y←2and I re-order them to
y←2x←1... the sheet recalculates, even though it should not.
5. Recalculating the sheet when it is opened should not mark the file as modified.
The following might be considered "bugs" rather than "missing features," but it was easier for me to put them in the same forum posting than to make a separate posting:
6. If I have
x←3and I click just to the left of the 3 and press the \ key to get
x←sqrt(3)and then I select Edit > Undo, the formula changes back to
x←3which is OK, but the sheet is recalculated even before I exit editing the expression; this recalculation is not OK.
7. a. Start with
x←3b. Move it from one place to another on the sheet.
c. Click just to the right of the x and press the "y" key. Dynamic Assistance will appear.
d. Select Edit > Undo. Dynamic Assistance will disappear, but nothing else will seem to happen.
e. Select Edit > Undo again. Step [b] will be undone (the expression will move back to where it was), EXCEPT that the name of the variable will still be "xy" instead of "x." This will cause calculations that previously worked (after step [a]) not to work anymore.
In order for this problem to appear, you MUST do step [b] - if you use Undo without moving the expression first, Undo will work correctly. It is possible that, for the problem to appear, step [b] needs to result in a change in the sequence order of the math expressions on the sheet.
The following workarounds exist for most of the above issues, but I am sure many people would prefer not to have to do these workarounds:
* Leave "Calculation > Auto calculation" turned off as much as possible;
* Press ESC and click OK to interrupt any unwanted calculation;
* Select "Calculation > Disable evaluation" on the time-consuming items.