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Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#1 Posted : 14 February 2019 23:00:49(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

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SMath Studio - SMath
Created by SMath LLC in the scope of SMath project. Published by smath.

SMath Studio

  • SMath Studio box
  • Calculation of Gravitation Acceleration example
  • Example of animation on the Worksheet
  • Extensions Manager tool
  • Opened math Reference Book
  • SMath Viewer output to Autocad example
  • SMath Studio on iOS
  • SMath Studio on iPad

Tiny, but powerful mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.

It provides numerous computing features and rich user interface translated into about 40 different languages. Application also contains integrated mathematical reference book.

Free for personal usage! Plans for Organizations are available!

Application can be easily extended based on your needs. Built-in Extensions Manager tool allows to get access to hundreds official and third-party resources of the following types: usage examples, plug-ins, SMath Viewer based applications, snippets, interface translations, interactive books, handbooks and tutorials.

They trust us *

* Customers' names and logos are used with the written permission of the copyright holders.

They talk about us (all reviews...)

  • Es ist die einzige Alternative zum mittlerweile desaströsen MathCAD. Mit dem ich Jahrzehnte -seit der Version 3.0- sehr gut und gern arbeitete. MathCAD war exzellent, um komplizierte Mathematik im Ingenieurwesen anzuwenden. MathCAD ist heute viel unübersichtlicher und alles dauert viel länger, bei drastisch reduzierter Funktionalität. Das MathCAD-Team empfiehlt "Profis" Shortcuts, wie in Zeiten, als die Bildschirme noch grün waren. Ich wünsche mir, dass Ihr, Andrey und Dein Team, auch die Apple-Version bald offerieren könnt und Euch vor allem auf mathematische Features für Ingenieure fokussiert. Dass man auch bald mit wieder mit Operatoren, wie dem NABLA-Operator symbolisch rechnen kann. Viel Erfolg auf Eurem Weg. Mit SMath Mathematik in mathematischer Notation anwenden, ist wie Muttersprache sprechen. Die geniale Idee, Funktionen und Operationen auf einen virtuellen Taschenrechner zu packen, ist extrem intuitiv und erleichtert die Bedienung. Weiter so.

    by Michael Stanimirov

  • I strongly encourage professionals who use the software for commercial purpose to donate. SMath Studio, in my opinion, is better suited for documenting engineering calculations than MathCAD Prime 3, which is commercially developed, and is considered to be the software of choice by many. As engineering professionals, we all pay yearly professional license fee; if we donate a fraction of that fee to Andrey it will let him to continue working on this extremely useful and functional tool. Thank you, Andrey! Long Live SMath

    by Alex M.

  • As experienced mechanical guy, this powerful tool is extremely useful for calculation for my work activities, and amazing it is free please keep working for software crown and kick expensive mathcad away!

    by Kelvin Liu

  • I'm absolutely love this app. It's a great tool for usual engineering calculations, and way more easier to use for me than matlab and others.

    by Zoltán Balázs

  • Excelente software para los cálculos de ingeniería, muy livano, pero bastante robusto a la hora de realizar cálculos; y su plataforma en la nube es buena.

    by fredynils

  • Excelente software para cálculo. La interface tipo papel la hace muy versátil y amigable. La recomiendo ampliamente.

    by Tomás Soto

  • Great software. Excellent tool for engineering students to make study of complicated problems a breeze. Time need to familiarize is very less as there are good guides prepared for easy use.

    by Razook

  • A great and essential application for scientists and engineers. The updates are regular and it has plugins that make it complete and as powerful as the paid applications.

    by Yibbou

  • Thank you for SMath. It's been a life saver.

    by Bob Johansson P.Eng.

  • ein absolutes Muß für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler und die, die es noch werden wollen. Ein perfektes Tool für Hochschulen aller Art. an absolute must for engineers and natural scientists and those who want to become one. A perfect tool for universities of all kinds.

    by Stephan Gottlieb

SMath Studio in publications

SMath Studio plug-ins (all plug-ins...)

The functionality of the program can be expanded through the installation of plug-ins created by third-party developers and companies, as well as those prepared by the SMath LLC team. Most plug-ins are open source and can be modified if necessary.

  • Extends SMath Studio with a 3D Plot Region.
    Extends SMath Studio with a 3D Plot Region.
    Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • Extends SMath Studio with more save/import/export features.
    Extends SMath Studio with more save/import/export features.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Access to a set of programs for calculating properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures. Requires separate installation of the Water Steam Pro libraries and appropriate license for it (see http://www.wsp.ru/).
    Access to a set of programs for calculating properties of water, steam, gases and gases mixtures. Requires separate installation of the Water Steam Pro libraries and appropriate license for it (see http://www.wsp.ru/).
    ООО "ЭсМат"
  • Provides access to the free and open source computer algebra system Maxima.
    Provides access to the free and open source computer algebra system Maxima.
    Kay Graubmann & Martin Kraska (THB www.th-brandenburg.de)
  • Extends SMath Studio with a X-Y Plot Region.
    Extends SMath Studio with a X-Y Plot Region.
    Jack Xu, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • A SMath Studio native wrapper of the CoolProp library (www.coolprop.org) - thermophysical property database and wrappers for a selection of programming environments.
    A SMath Studio native wrapper of the CoolProp library (www.coolprop.org) - thermophysical property database and wrappers for a selection of programming environments.
    Mike Kaganski
  • Contains nonlinear solvers for equations and systems of equations: Bisected Direct Quadratic Regula Falsi (BDQRF), Bisection, Brent's, Broyden's, Homotopy, Newton-Raphson, Ridder's, Secant, etc.
    Contains nonlinear solvers for equations and systems of equations: Bisected Direct Quadratic Regula Falsi (BDQRF), Bisection, Brent's, Broyden's, Homotopy, Newton-Raphson, Ridder's, Secant, etc.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Digital Signal Processing Library: spectral analysis, IIR and FIR filters, resampling algorithms, etc.
    Digital Signal Processing Library: spectral analysis, IIR and FIR filters, resampling algorithms, etc.
    Sergey Bakhurin (http://dsplib.org), Viacheslav N. Mezentsev (viacheslavmezentsev@ya.ru)
  • Extends SMath Studio with statistical tools: Sample Estimators, Probability Density, Cumulative Density, Quantile functions, Random Numbers, etc.
    Extends SMath Studio with statistical tools: Sample Estimators, Probability Density, Cumulative Density, Quantile functions, Random Numbers, etc.
    Davide Carpi (davide.carpi@gmail.com)
  • Provides an interface to the SQLite relational database engine.
    Provides an interface to the SQLite relational database engine.
    Chris Bietz, Viacheslav N. Mezentsev
thanks 7 users thanked Andrey Ivashov for this useful post.
on 14/02/2019(UTC),  on 15/02/2019(UTC),  on 15/02/2019(UTC),  on 15/02/2019(UTC),  on 15/02/2019(UTC),  on 15/02/2019(UTC),  on 19/02/2019(UTC)
Offline genf  
#2 Posted : 15 February 2019 09:29:02(UTC)

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Joined: 10/06/2013(UTC)
Posts: 50
Russian Federation

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Спасибо. Теперь функции работают значительно быстрее.

Вернулась старая проблема с настройками страницы - не сохраняются настройки при нажатии на кнопку "Использовать по-умолчанию".
Вернее они для файла сохраняются, но показывает, что не сохранились.
А вот глобально не сохраняются.
Небольшое кино
Offline fedeghi  
#3 Posted : 15 February 2019 12:48:04(UTC)

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Hi Andrey,

since I'm using SMath mainly for office work, I'm always struggling between the temptation of "instant updating" to the latest (even if beta) build in order to have all the new cool features, and the conservative approach to wait for the official stable release and stay safe with my library of .sm files.
Up to now, I have been able to resist and stay on the safe path, but the "dark side is calling" Biggrin

Recently a lot of nightly builds have been issued, so I'm wondering if you are planning to upload in a short time a stable release to consolidate all the updates that have been placed here and there in the betas?
Or do you think that a stable release will not follow shortly?

In other words, in case a stable release is not planned in the upcoming weeks, I might think to update on a backup machine and test the existing files there.
Infact, there are some features which I'd like to use (i.e. upgraded syntax highlighting, etc..)
Offline Davide Carpi  
#4 Posted : 15 February 2019 12:53:08(UTC)
Davide Carpi

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You can always download the Mono.tar.gz package and go for a portable test version Spiteful
If you like my plugins consider to support SMath Studio buying a plan; to offer me a coffee: paypal.me/dcprojects
thanks 1 user thanked Davide Carpi for this useful post.
on 15/02/2019(UTC)
Offline genf  
#5 Posted : 15 February 2019 15:10:40(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Davide Carpi Go to Quoted Post
You can always download the Mono.tar.gz package and go for a portable test version Spiteful

Да, это действительно удобно. Портативную версию уже использую лет 5
Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#6 Posted : 15 February 2019 20:13:20(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

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Originally Posted by: genf Go to Quoted Post
Вернулась старая проблема с настройками страницы - не сохраняются настройки при нажатии на кнопку "Использовать по-умолчанию".

Так а сохранение размера бумаги я и не делал Good Сохраняется только ориентация страниц, колонтитулы и т.п. С размером были какие-то проблемы. Как-нибудь посмотрю туда ещё раз...
Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#7 Posted : 15 February 2019 20:29:16(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

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Originally Posted by: fedeghi Go to Quoted Post
Recently a lot of nightly builds have been issued, so I'm wondering if you are planning to upload in a short time a stable release to consolidate all the updates that have been placed here and there in the betas?
Or do you think that a stable release will not follow shortly?

The reason of why we have so many beta versions since latest available stable is that there are several major changes were done to the logic of saving/opening files and rendering Worksheets.
These changes must be tested well before going to the wild world Good
As for today I see no any new significant errors reported + all automated tests I have are also passed ok, so I'm thinking about latest nightly builds as about release candidates. These versions seems stable enough to use them.
Regarding next stable release - I plan to publish it on 1-st March. The main reason of it is that I need to test/prepare Cloud version as well as iOS/Android/UWP versions to make one-shot-release. There are plenty of work to perform...

Best regards.
thanks 3 users thanked Andrey Ivashov for this useful post.
on 15/02/2019(UTC),  on 15/02/2019(UTC),  on 15/02/2019(UTC)
Offline fedeghi  
#8 Posted : 16 February 2019 00:25:24(UTC)

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Thanks for the info! Biggrin
Offline Andrey Ivashov  
#9 Posted : 18 February 2019 21:06:04(UTC)
Andrey Ivashov

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Originally Posted by: genf Go to Quoted Post
А вот глобально не сохраняются.

Реализовано тут: https://en.smath.com/for...8--18-February-2019.aspx
thanks 1 user thanked Andrey Ivashov for this useful post.
on 25/02/2019(UTC)
Offline genf  
#10 Posted : 25 February 2019 21:29:20(UTC)

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Бывает в версии 6984 при открытии файла происходит очень долгий расчет ... приходится прерывать и обновлять - при обновлении все быстро считается.
См. кино
Как правило такие долгие расчеты происходят при первом открытии файла, но не всегда.

Это исправлено в 6988?
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