Originally Posted by: veb 
I see Smath viewer as a finished calculation, which can be run on any computer
An Engineering piece of work may need several pages of advanced maths,
it will run on computers compatible with SS and having SS installed.
Smath clipboard operation is specific to Smath. It does not support
"Windows clipboard operation", i.e: you can't select math regions and
paste in other Windows compatible tools [Paint, IrfanView, Wingrab ...]
Differently, Mathcad allows to paste math regions in Irfanview ...
In other words, if AutoCad allows to paste images, you must proceed as
previously explained [capture, save image, paste image to Autocad].
Today, I can open an AutoCad 11 [1990] Process Control & Instrumentation
Diagram and paste in it several pieces of descriptive maths from Smath,
paste as images. That was not possible in 1990 because no Engineering
tools existed.
Are you asking AutoCad to open an Smath work sheet and have AutoCad responds
to the Smath calculations ? That existed: In 2000, Mathcad 8 Pro was
delivered with SmartSketch. I could open my involved diagram in SmartSketch
and open Mathcad work sheet in it and see the diagram change as per the
Mathcad governing calculations [belt/pulley system ...]. Some specific packages
do that, mostly for machining, etc ...
About diagrams, very little things can be done in Smath, but you are saying your
team work know nothing about Smath ... multiple dilemmas.
Cheers, Jean.